About Us!


Jerry & Carrie Have over 50 years experience in the estimating and repairing Automobiles and Trucks and Heavy Equipment. Jerry holds Certifications in Heavy Equipment and Cranes and Yachts and has handled multi-million dollar Catastrophe Claims all across America. Jerry is known to be one of the top Heavy Equipment Appraisers in the North & Southeast. We cover Tennessee & Northern Ga. & Northern Al. and will travel on Cat Claims across the United States. Please contact us if we can assist with your appraisal needs.

Jerry Dickerson

Email: jerry@allamericanautoandequipment.com

Phone: (256)599-8383

Carrie Blansit

Email: carrie@allamericanautoandequipment.com

Phone: (423)710-5701

You can also fax us at: (256)597-2024


Tennessee, Northern Alabama, Northern Georgia, Southern Kentucky, and storm duty in the Gulf of Mexico and on the Eastern Coast.